Time to Update Your Story?

We all have multiple stories about the person we are. What do you do for a living? What is your personal life like? What are your successes? What are your strengths? What are your struggles? The stories we share have beliefs imbedded in them. Some of the belief’s are so strong and so hard wired that we don’t even realize it is a belief. It is a fact. It is a truth. But, is it?


  • Write out one success story.

  • Write out a consistent struggle you have.

  • Are there any themes between those two stories that are in conflict with each other?

  • Look at your struggle. Is there something in your success story that you can apply to your struggle story?

  • Look at the language being used in the success story vs the struggle story. Try using different language in the struggle story to have you view that struggle perspective differently.

What observations do you have? Does changing any of the language make you feel differently?

Want to brainstorm about how to update or change a part of your story? If you’d like to ponder and poke at this idea with someone, schedule some time with me. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Reboot Expectations