What Makes you Tick?

Although we all came from same manufacturing plant (We are human after all!), we are all very unique. When we were delivered into this world, each of us got placed onto our own conveyor belt to go and interact with the world around us. But, a scenario or event is not experienced in the same way by each person. Every person experiences the world differently. We are here having our own experiences. At some point, we decide to jump off that conveyor belt! As a result, each of us is and still are figuring out how we want to be in this world. What are you learning, about you, through your experiences? Thus, what makes you tick?

How do you learn? Do you like to learn by reading, experiencing, discussing? Is your style some combination? Think about school days. Think about now.

What topics make you so eager to learn more you just cannot help yourself? What ideas or activities just make you feel lighter, expansive, energizing?


  • Document a situation where you just knocked it out of the park! You were like, “Heck yeah! I’m the bomb!”

  • Now document about how you got to that point. What it took for you to get there.

    • Did things just fall into place? How did those things happen? What did you do or not do?

    • Did you work really hard? How did you work hard? Was it easy? Did things just fall into place?

  • What are you learning about you when you think about this? Is there anything that is making you go, “Hmmmmm” ?

If you’d like to share your self observations and brainstorm around your findings, reach out and schedule a session. Together, you will learn more about you and how to tap into the power of you.


Reboot Expectations